• June 16, 2024
CORONACovid OrderEuropeLatest News

Coronavirus: EU stops short of vaccine export ban

Coronavirus pandemic European Union leaders have stopped short of banning vaccine exports after a protracted row with the Anglo-Swedish manufacturer AstraZeneca. At a summit on Thursday they gave backing in principle for toughening export controls. But a post-summit statement emphasised the importance of global supply chains needed to produce vaccinations. Elements of the AstraZeneca vaccination […]

CORONACovid OrderLatest NewsU.K.

Covid: NHS warns of ‘significant reduction’ in vaccines

Coronavirus pandemic The NHS has written to local health organisations warning of a “significant reduction in weekly supply” of coronavirus vaccines from the week beginning 29 March for a month. It says there has been a “reduction in national inbound vaccines supply”. It also says organisations should “ensure no further appointments are uploaded to the […]

CORONACovid OrderEuropeLatest News

Shops boarded up as Dutch brace for fourth night of

By Anthony Deutsch 3 MIN READ AMSTERDAM (Reuters) – The Netherlands braced on Tuesday for a fourth consecutive night of coronavirus anti-lockdown riots, with some shops boarding their windows and sending staff home early for safety. riots broke out across the country   Dutch police detained more than 180 people on Monday night, when roaming groups […]

CORONACovid OrderLatest NewsU.K.

Britain to discuss tighter travel restrictions: BBC

By Reuters Staff LONDON (Reuters) – British ministers are to discuss on Monday further tightening travel restrictions, the BBC reported on Saturday, adding that people arriving in the country could be required to quarantine in hotels. Prime Minister Boris Johnson told a news conference on Friday that the UK may need to implement further measures to […]