• May 13, 2024

The Journalist Association of India (JAI) is your voice on major issues facing in media profession. Things like concentration of ownership, newsroom budget cuts, freelancers fighting to protect their intellectual property, increasing restrictions on access to government information, and protecting journalists from naming confidential sources. The Journalist Association of India (JAI) offers a forum for discussing issues and a vehicle for effective action with politicians and the public.

The Journalist Association of India (JAI) is able to offer a wide range of legal services to its members. As with all unions/organisations/associations, there are restrictions and the provision of such services is entirely at the desecration of the JAI. If the Journalist Association of India (JAI) is advised by its lawyers that you have a good case then it will support you, subject to the terms outlined below and in the legal assistance policy statement.

The Journalist Association of India (JAI) has a small in-house legal department, that liaises with outside solicitors to provide legal services to the union/associations/organisations and the members. The legal Department does not provide a telephone advice service and only deals with members.


The Journalist Association of India (JAI) provides a free three-hour advice service to members who have problems in this area.


The Journalist Association of India (JAI) provides legal advice on all aspects of employment law and will provide legal support for Employment Tribunal claims.

Dr H K Sethi,


Journalist Association of India

Mobile:+919899462353, +917498000003

Email: hksethi@jaoi.org   &    journalistassociationofindia@gmail.com